Classroom Information

       Students will enter the building between 8:35 and 8:50am.  School begins promptly at 8:55.  Students are expected to be in their seats, unpacked and ready for the day, at 8:55am.
       For dismissal all students will be exiting out the front doors.  They will be dismissed from the classrooms beginning at 3:25.

       Second graders begin recess at 11:10 and lunch at 11:35.  Students may choose to pack or buy a lunch.  Lunch menus come home monthly.  Extra copies can be found in the office.

       Second grade will be attending specials from 12:25-1:010 daily. Specials are on a rotating schedule.  Day 1 is Library, day 2-Art, day 3- Music, day 4-P.E. and then back to day 1.  Because of this it will be helpful if your child leaves an extra pair of gym shoes at school so that he/she can participate on gym day.   

Take-Home Folders
   Each child will be given a purple "take home" folder.  This folder will transport papers to and from school daily.  Please clean out your child's folder and bookbag nightly.  There are two sides of the folder; one for papers to keep at home and one for papers to be returned to school. Students will be responsible to packing their folders so please double check that papers are coming back to school if needed.  Anything that you are sending to school with your child should be placed in this folder (lunch money, notes, etc.)

  Students may bring in a small finger food birthday treat on the school day closest to their birthday or 1/2 birthday. Please be sure to send in napkins and any other paper products needed along with the snack.  Children will not be allowed to pass out birthday invitations at school unless everyone in the class is invited.  This will save hurt feelings.  Please refer to the Fairfield directory for addresses of students.

Lunch Money
   Please make sure that any lunch money sent to school is in an envelope or baggie and marked with your child's first and last name, what the money is for, and the amount.  All of the money is sent to the office in a class envelope, and unmarked money will not be credited to your child's account.

Scholastic Book Clubs
   During the year I will be sending book orders for Scholastic Books.  Please do not feel obligated to purchase.  If you decide to place an order, please send the completed order and payment back to school by the due date written on the top of the order form.  Make checks payable to "Scholastic Book Clubs."  I will also send home instructions about how to order online.  Every online parent order earns book coupons for our classroom!


        A weekly homework folder will be passed out at the end of the week (typically Friday) and due the last day of the week (typically Friday). The folder will contain math and reading tasks.